
Turkey marks World Down Syndrome Day

Every year, March 21 is observed to raise awareness for people with down syndrome

Ersin Çelik
14:45 - 21/03/2019 Perşembe
Update: 14:46 - 21/03/2019 Perşembe
World Down Syndrome Day
World Down Syndrome Day

Several events were held across Turkey on Thursday to mark World Down Syndrome Day.

A local police department in northwestern Bilecik province hosted a group of children, who were shown one day of a police officer on duty, operating police walkie talkies and given rides in police vehicles.

Speaking at the police station, Governor Bilal Senturk highlighted the importance of coordination among non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and the government to raise awareness for people who need special support.

In a separate event, professional dancers partnered up with children in a studio in the Aegean province of Izmir to teach them the waltz and the cha cha.

"They [the children with Down Syndrome] are very quick to understand and their sense of rhythm is very strong. They can remember all the steps. They are full of energy and love," said dancing teacher Maya Kilic, adding that the lessons helped her from her prejudices.

In the Black Sea province of Rize, a public service ad prepared by 21 children with Down Syndrome and their teachers was aired with the message we are just like you with 1 difference," referring to the additional chromosome people with Down Syndrome possess.

The advertisement featured children sharing their food with friends, helping elderly cross the street and catching a ball while.

Children with Down Syndrome dressed as Ottoman Janissary military music bands performed for onlookers in southeastern Gaziantep and southern Antalya provinces.

In southeastern Adiyaman, children with Down Syndrome dressed up as doctors and met with patients, writing mock prescriptions.

There are some 70,000 people with Down Syndrome in Turkey.

March 21 is observed annually to raise awareness for Down Syndrome, a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome.

#World Down Syndrome Day.
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