
Trump deal kills Palestinian issue, say Indian experts

Trump’s controversial proposal obnoxious, conspiracy to legitimize Israeli occupation, say former diplomats

News Service
10:36 - 29/01/2020 Çarşamba
Update: 10:38 - 29/01/2020 Çarşamba
US President Donald Trump
US President Donald Trump

Comparing the so-called deal of the century on Palestine announced by the U.S. President Donald Trump with India’s last year Aug. 5 decisions on Kashmir, many Indian experts said that peace in the Middle East will remain elusive, with the implementation of this controversial plan.

Many former diplomats called the Trump plan a conspiracy to legitimize the Israeli occupation thus snatching rights of Palestinians over their land.

"It is a clear violation of international law. Given the grave charges against Trump and Netanyahu, they do not have any moral ground to talk even about their own countries," said Gauhar Iqbal, Secretary-General of Indo-Palestine Foundation.

He further said that any plan without having the consent of Palestinian leaders is an attempt to demean the Palestinian cause.

"We completely boycott this plan and call for other organizations supporting Palestine to join hands with us," he added.

Last year on Aug. 5, India revoked the special status, or limited autonomy, to Indian-administered Kashmir — a region subject of dispute among India and Pakistan.

Experts here fear that in a similar way Trump’s Middle East Plan will kill Palestinians’ efforts for an independent state in the occupied West Bank, occupied East Jerusalem, and the besieged Gaza Strip.

Former diplomat Talmiz Ahmed said the timings for this formal statement was directly connected to the electoral and personal interest of Trump and Netanyahu, as they are facing gross misconduct charges.

“Trump wants to take attention away from the issue and Netanyahu is attempting to bolster his image. The announcement pleases Netanyahu as West Bank now comes to Israel legitimately, thus annexing it,” said Ahmad, India’s former envoy to Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE.

Trump was impeached last month, in the House of Representatives, and is on trial on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress charges. Benjamin Netanyahu, on the other hand, is facing corruption charges against him and a National election in March. While both the leaders are denying misconduct, many believe that the statement is to deviate the focus.

“The promise to the Palestine sovereign state is not the deal of the century. Palestinians identity as unique people will be now extinguished. In return, they are offering $50 million for Palestinian people calling it 'economic opportunity', but it is nothing but a financial bribe to extinguish them as people since 1948. This deal is thus obnoxious,” Ahmad added.

#Donald Trump
#Talmiz Ahmad
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