
Serbian president presents medal to Hollywood star Johnny Depp

Depp receives state honor for promoting Serbia

12:17 - 16/02/2022 Çarşamba
Hollywood star Johnny Depp and Serbian president Aleksander Vucic
Hollywood star Johnny Depp and Serbian president Aleksander Vucic

The president of Serbia presented Hollywood star Johnny Depp with a gold medal Tuesday for promoting the nation.

Depp was presented with the state honor at a ceremony in the capital, Belgrade, to mark Serbian Statehood Day.

The Academy Award-nominated actor has been involved in projects connected to the country in recent years, including the shooting of scenes in Belgrade for the feature film, Minamata, and has played a leading role in the Serbian-produced animated series Puffins Unlimited.

''I truly, sincerely, thank you President Vucic, and this medal of merit, if I am given the honor to walk away with this, I thank you for being kind enough to bestow it upon me,'' said Depp.

President Aleksander Vucic awarded a State Order to 80 people, including Teklas Automotive General Manager Nebi Anil, for the company’s achievements.

Vucic chatted with employees and received information about work at the factory from authorities when he visited the site with Turkiye's Belgrade Ambassador Hami Aksoy last August.

The president said at the time that thanks to the employment offered by Teklas, the average salary in Vladicin Han quickly rose from €245 to €444 ($278 to $504).

Teklas currently employs 1,030 workers.

Prominent Serb politicians from Bosnia and Montenegro were also honored at the ceremony.

The country’s highest award, the Order of the Republic of Serbia, was given to Zeljka Cvijanovic, the president of Republika Srpska, the Serb-majority portion of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Order of the Serbian Flag of the First Degree was given to Milan Knezevic, a Serb politician in Montenegro.

#Johnny Depp
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