Jai Bhagwan Goyal, a self-proclaimed senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), made inflammatory statements against the Muslim community while addressing a panchayat organised by the United Hindu Front in northeast Delhi. Goyal's controversial comments were caught on camera, as he called for violence and an economic boycott of Muslims.
During his speech, Goyal claimed that "all Muslims are the same" and that "India will become a Muslim nation in 5-7 years" if Hindus don't take up arms. He also criticised Muslim leaders for not condemning the Popular Front of India (PFI), a Muslim organisation that has been accused of links to terrorism.
Goyal was not alone in his remarks, as Delhi BJP treasurer Ram Avtar Gupta and former Union Minister Satyanarayan Jatiya were also present at the event. Delhi Police have since registered a case against Goyal for making provocative statements.
The incident comes amid rising communal tensions in India, with many accusing the ruling BJP of promoting a Hindu nationalist agenda. The Supreme Court recently reprimanded the Delhi Police for delays in filing FIRs and chargesheets in cases related to hate speech, including the Dharam Sansad hate speech case.