
Gülen confesses to coup attempt calling Turks 'stupid'

“Let some fools smile as they acquired some kind of victory,” the FETÖ leader says criticizing millions of pro-democracy protesters in several cities across Turkey

Ersin Çelik
16:28 - 22/07/2016 Friday
Update: 17:57 - 22/07/2016 Friday
Yeni Şafak

In a newly released video footage, Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the FETÖ terrorist organization who had orchestrated the last coup attempt in Turkey, confessed to his involvement in the attempt, criticizing those who stand against the coup.

Following the attempted coup's failure due to huge resistance from millions of civilians across the country, mainly, Istanbul and Ankara, the Turkish government declared it the people's victory.

The government ordered people to stay in the streets and squares and celebrate the victory in an environment of festivals.

“Let some fools smile as they acquired some kind of victory," Gülen told his followers in a briefing at his home compound in Pennsylvania, US.

"Let them establish weddings, associations. Let them declare festivals for that funny situation," Gülen said criticizing mass protest in several cities across Turkey.

He stated that the world community was with “us", “They (the world community) are laughing to see what is now happening there (in Turkey)."

Gülen threatened that the people who stand in favor of democracy in Turkey would be vanished sooner or later.

“If they survive, would say 'Alas!' but could not say 'But'," Gülen said.

He called on his followers to continue their strong stance against the Turkish government measures following the coup attempt, adding that “If you are hanged for this virtual work, you will receive a great award in the afterlife."

He accused President Erdoğan and the AK Party government of running a war against Islam by operating raids against his followers who were behind last week's coup attempt.

Nearly 250 people died and more than 1,500 others were injured when pro-coup soldiers blocked the streets with tanks, dropped bombs on the Turkish parliament and presidency with F-16 jets, and fired on the public after announcing the coup on July 15.

Following the failed coup attempt, the government vowed to punish the FETÖ members, who infiltrated all of the critical institutions of the Turkish state, including the police, judiciary, military and education sectors.

Millions of people continue to stay in the main streets and squares of almost all cities for the seventh day after the attempt demanding the high penalty for Gülen and his fellow terrorists.

#Fethullah Gülen
#coup attempt
8 years ago