
Egypt seizes assets of 89 Muslim Brotherhood figures

Group members include heirs of Egypt's late President Mohamed Morsi

News Service
12:46 - 18/01/2021 Pazartesi
Update: 12:47 - 18/01/2021 Pazartesi
Egypt seizes assets of 89 Muslim Brotherhood figures
Egypt seizes assets of 89 Muslim Brotherhood figures

An Egyptian court has ruled the seizure and confiscation of assets of 89 Muslim Brotherhood members, including late Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

The state-owned daily Akhbar al-Youm said: "The Court for Urgent Matters in Cairo ordered the seizure of the assets of 89 leaders and members of the Brotherhood and the heirs of Morsi, and their transfer to the treasury."

The verdict included the group's supreme guide Mohamed Badie, his deputy Khairat al-Shater, and other leaders, including Mohamed Beltagy, Abdel-Rahman al-Bar, and Ahmed Diab, as well as two ministers during Morsi's rule -- former Youth Minister Osama Yassin and former Supply Minister Bassem Ouda.

The Egyptian daily El-Youm El-Sabee said the state-formed commission assigned to seize the group's assets brought the case before the court.

It added that within the case, the commission demanded the justice minister, the head of the Land Registry and the Central Bank chief to transfer the seized assets to the state's treasury.

The group has yet to comment on the verdict which is not clear whether it is final or subject to appeal.

The Muslim Brotherhood was formed in 1928, and following the military coup in Egypt in July 2013 the group was outlawed and most of its leaders were arrested, including Egypt's first democratically elected late President Morsi.

* Ahmed Asmar contributed to this report from Ankara

#Mohamed Morsi
#Muslim Brotherhood
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