
Chinese youth who sold kidney 7 years ago to buy iPhone now disabled for life

A Chinese boy who traded his health for the latest iPhone faces serious organ failure

Ersin Çelik
14:38 - 31/12/2018 Monday
Update: 15:05 - 31/12/2018 Monday
Yeni Şafak
Xiao Wang
Xiao Wang

The now 24-year-old Chinese man, Xiao Wang, who sold one of his kidneys to the black market for organs in China just to be able to purchase an iPhone 4 back in 2011, is now permanently bedridden.

After 17-year-old Wang decided that only one kidney was enough for him to stay alive, he found an underground hospital that reportedly offered him about 22,000 Yuan (US$3,202) in exchange for his organ. It was more than enough to buy the newest iPhone from Apple.

But the operating environment wasn’t sanitized properly and caused an infection in his wound, according to Chinese media platform Oriental Daily.

His parents were unaware of this incident until the teen became seriously sick from the infection.

But it was too late for him as his kidney functions were already severely affected, which ended up in him being put on dialysis for the rest of his life.

Apple smartphones have become a symbol representing status and privilege in many countries across the world.

#​Chinese youth
#organ failure
#Xiao Wang
6 years ago