
540 Palestinians detained by Israel last month: PLO

Israel arrested more than 540 Palestinians last month in occupied W. Bank, E. Jerusalem and blockaded Gaza, report asserts

Ersin Çelik
14:48 - 2/11/2016 Wednesday
Update: 11:50 - 2/11/2016 Wednesday

More than 540 Palestinians were detained or arrested by Israeli forces last month in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem and the blockaded Gaza Strip, according to a report released Wednesday.

Jointly issued by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)'s committee on detainees and the Palestinian Prisoners Society, an NGO, the report states that a total of 544 Palestinians -- including 130 children and 10 women -- were rounded up by Israeli forces in October.

"Of these," the report found, "261 were detained in East Jerusalem, 279 in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and four in the Gaza strip."

The report also notes that, last month alone, Israel referred 120 Palestinian prisoners to "administrative detention" -- a policy by which prisoners can be held for up to one year without trial or charge.

The Israeli army frequently carries out sweeping arrest campaigns in the occupied territories that ostensibly target "wanted" Palestinians.

Over 7,000 Palestinian prisoners -- including 400 minors -- are currently languishing in jails throughout the Jewish state, according to Palestinian government figures.

8 years ago