
Venezuela's president accuses opposition of election rigging ahead of July 28 polls

'We will win and finish far ahead. They know this, and that's why they are trying to rig the ballot box,' says Nicolas Maduro

13:57 - 28/06/2024 Friday
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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro accused the opposition of attempting to rig presidential elections scheduled for July 28.

Speaking at a rally Thursday organized in Lara State, Maduro criticized the opposition united under the United Democratic Platform (PUD).

"We will win and finish far ahead. They know this, and that's why they are trying to rig the ballot box."

Recalling the unilateral sanctions imposed on Venezuela by the US, Maduro said: "Enough is enough. Leave Venezuela alone. Stop harming this brave people. This noble nation will not allow its future to be stolen. There will be peace in Venezuela. We will always talk about peace in this land, I swear to God."

He also said the country's power plants are being targeted by the opposition and assured that all security measures would be taken at the plants on election day.

#Nicolas Maduro
#Presidential Election
#United Democratic Platform
3 days ago