
Türkiye's TCG Kinaliada corvette concludes visit to Sri Lanka as part of diplomatic tour

Sri Lanka Navy personnel, public tour corvette; reception held as part of visit

05:45 - 12/07/2024 Cuma
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Türkiye's TCG Kinaliada corvette, the fourth vessel of the Ada class of the Turkish Navy, concluded its visit to the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo on Thursday, according to the Turkish Defense Ministry.

The corvette, currently returning from Japan after attending a century anniversary celebration of Türkiye-Japan diplomatic relations, visited the South Asian island country from July 9 to July 11.

Sri Lanka Navy personnel visited the corvette and received information about its capabilities, said the ministry. The ship was also open for public viewing during the visit.

A reception was held for guests, including Sri Lankan Minister of State for Defense Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, naval and air force commanders, diplomatic representatives from various countries, Sri Lankan Navy Command personnel and Turkish representatives in Sri Lanka.

The event was hosted by Turkish Ambassador to Colombo Semih Lutfu Turgut and Kinaliada Comdr. Serkan Dogan.

The corvette traveled to Japan in April to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Turkish-Japanese diplomatic relations and the 134th anniversary of the Ottoman frigate Ertugrul's journey to Japan.

On July 14, 1889, the Ertugrul Frigate embarked on its final voyage -- a goodwill voyage to Japan. On Sept. 19 of the following year, it encountered a typhoon off Japan and sank, resulting in the loss of more than 500 sailors and officers; 69 survived. The tragedy is marked as a landmark of the friendship between Türkiye and Japan.

#Sri Lanka
#TCG Kinaliada
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