
Türkiye revokes conditional approval for Brazilian aircraft carrier

Brazilian firm had filed application for dismantling of aircraft carrier in Türkiye

09:52 - 27/08/2022 Saturday
Türkiye's Environment Minister Murat Kurum
Türkiye's Environment Minister Murat Kurum

Türkiye revoked the conditional approval for the dismantling of Brazil's NAE Sao Paulo aircraft carrier in the country, according to an official announcement on Friday.

“It has been decided to revoke the conditional approval given for the ship, NAE Sao Paulo,” the country's Environment Minister Murat Kurum said in a statement.

The aircraft carrier “will not be allowed to enter Turkish territorial waters,” he added.

He said the step was taken to protect Türkiye's environment and people.

Brazil's Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) lodged an application for the dismantling of the aircraft carrier in Türkiye.

Kurum noted that the application was given conditional approval on May 30 this year, provided that an inspection is carried out before the ship enters Turkish territorial waters and dismantling is carried out under Turkish experts.

#aircraft carrier
2 years ago