
Syria: Assad regime attack kills two civilians in al-Bab

Village in al-Bab subdistrict targeted by 4 Grad rockets

News Service
11:20 - 21/07/2020 Tuesday
Update: 11:24 - 21/07/2020 Tuesday
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Two civilians lost their lives in an attack carried out by forces of the Bashar al-Assad regime and its supporters in Syria's al-Bab subdistrict.

Regime forces and supporters targeted Barata village in western al-Bab subdistrict with four Grad rockets.
Two civilians were killed and two others injured in the attack.

In February 2017, Turkish troops and the Syrian National Army (SNA) liberated Al-Bab from the Daesh/ISIS terrorist group as part of Turkey's Operation Euphrates Shield.

The operation that lasted for seven months began in August 2016 with the aim of eliminating the terrorist presence along the Turkish border.

* Writing by Mahmoud Barakat

4 years ago