
Jordanians stage pro-Palestinian rally near US Embassy

Rally, staged for second consecutive Friday, condemn US' so-called 'Deal of the Century'

News Service
17:17 - 7/02/2020 Cuma
Update: 17:18 - 7/02/2020 Cuma
Protesters hold the Jordanian flag and shout slogans during a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's proposed Middle East peace plan, near the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan, February 7, 2020.
Protesters hold the Jordanian flag and shout slogans during a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's proposed Middle East peace plan, near the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan, February 7, 2020.

Hundreds of Jordanians staged a rally for the second Friday in a row near the U.S. Embassy in the capital Amman against the U.S.’ so-called Middle East peace plan.

The crowd gathered at the invitation of the National Alliance Against Deal of the Century, which is comprised of a group of MPs, tribal figures, and heads of syndicates.

Heavy rain did not prevent Jordanians from participating in the rally.

The participants chanted slogans against the U.S. proposal and carried banners reading: "Jerusalem is a trust" and "the Jordan Valley is for Jordanians ... not for Zionists", and they burned the Israeli and American flags.

"Today we say that we condemn Trump's position and consider him a criminal ... [He] violated the global peace and security and [he] violated all of agreements ... [Trump] must be referred to the criminal court of international community, and Arab people must act everywhere," Saleh al-Armouti, a member of the Reform Bloc in the House of Representatives -- the first chamber of Jordanian parliament -- said during his participation in the rally.

Many lawmakers from the Islamist movement in Jordan were seen among the participants.

The "Deal of the Century" refers to Jerusalem as “Israel’s undivided capital” and recognizes Israeli sovereignty over large parts of the West Bank.

The plan does not appear to meet even the most basic Palestinian demands for comprehensive peace with Israel, including the right of return for Palestinian refugees who were forced out of their homes as a result of the conflict.

*Bassel Ibrahim contributed to this report from Ankara.

#"Deal of the Century"
4 yıl önce