Islam once guided modern history, and it can once again lead the way in postmodern times

Modern history begins with Islam: because it is the newest. The newest, most dynamic, most regenerative, revitalizing, and revitalizing power that intervenes in history, shape the course of history, Islam.

Modernity emerged with the provocation of this regenerative and revitalizing power of Islam. Islam provoked the history of Europe. Without Islam, Europe would not have awakened from a thousand-year hibernation.


In half a century, Islam spread to the Pacific Ocean and China in the east, and to the Atlantic and the Iberian peninsula in the west.

It's not a simple thing. There is an extraordinary situation here that all the great historians and philosophers of history cannot understand, solve or explain.

It is an extraordinary situation that Islam reached the whole world in a short time like half a century, started to spread all over the world in a century, and started to be adopted all over the world.

So what's the secret?

The secret of this is that the creed of Islam is very strong, solid, and firm. Not infecting paganism. The fact that it separates the divine realm from the human realm precisely and clearly, and that there are no academic or philosophical obstacles in front of the adoption of Islam in this regard

To put it succinctly, Islam is based on an unshakable belief in oneness and closes all the doors that lead to shirk.

Therefore, it is easy for Islam to spread rapidly to the geography of Turkestan in the East, to Spain-Portugal in the West, even to inside France, to North Africa in the South, and to the coasts of East and West Africa in a short time.

Christianity "solves" the problem of God, the problem of explaining God with the Trinity, in the direction of the forced trinity with bloody incidents. Actually, it's not a solution, it's an imposition. First, there is the Christianization of Byzantium, and then the Byzantineization of Christianity.

While Islam spread rapidly in a short time, Christianity was forcibly made the state religion and swallowed up by pagan traditions.

That's why Islam, not Christianity, plays a decisive role in the rise of the West: It not only brings Muslims to their own philosophical roots and resources, namely Greek philosophy but also provokes history in every field and triggers the renaissance.


The question is here: So, what challenges does Islam pose?

There is a three-stage answer to this question: Islam, in its first century, comes into contact with all civilizations.

In its second century, it is nourished by all the civilizations it comes into contact with and codifies the original Islamic sciences.

In its third century, however, it develops a challenge on a global scale: Islam is becoming an age; Islam rules the era and the time: The call of Islam becomes the peak of humanity, the age and cascade of humanity to be reached.

Islam means the world; Islam shapes the world in every field and in every respect; Islam determines the principles, measures and methods in science, thought, and art on a global scale.

In this process, the Islamic civilization does not destroy any civilization or culture, it blows the elixir of life to the dying cultures, it also feeds all civilizations and knows how to feed it by passing it through the filter of revelation from all civilizations.

The emergence of Islam on the stage of history, its establishment of modern history and its constructive and nourishing relations with other civilizations rather than destructive ones, and dialogic rather than monological relations are very important in terms of giving clues that will show how the history of the future can be made in terms of philosophy of history.

To summarize… Muslims, Hz. After the death of the Prophet (saas), they rule over the Arabian Peninsula. Hz. With the caliphate of Omar (ra), the Sassanids face the civilized world like Byzantium and Yemen. Hz. Together with the caliphate of Osman (ra), in roughly fifty years, they go as far as China in the east and Spain in the west.

In other words, Islam has actually reached the entire world geography that can be reached within the first century. This is something very important. This is a miraculous phenomenon that historians and philosophers of history cannot solve in terms of the philosophy of history and the logic of history.


Here, burning questions immediately arise This miraculous event, which I call a miraculous phenomenon, changed the course of history. So how did he do that? And do we have the opportunity to do this again, to reactivate history in the next period? How should we activate or activate history, my teacher?

First of all, let's know this: We have been experiencing a great civilization crisis for two centuries. We have lost our Muslim Mind, the Ground of Living as a Muslim, and the Muslim Time. But History is not over. History is flowing…

We can shape history again if we can raise first-class pioneer generations who will embrace the accumulation of humanity and try to redefine it with the concepts of Islam...

Nothing is finished.

Maybe we're filling our ordeal. Our ordeal of thought, becoming, and existence…

The awareness of carrying the burden of all humanity on their shoulders can be a driving force that will enable us to make history again, if we know ourselves, find ourselves, and manage to be ourselves...

History is not over, maybe it's just beginning...

The Westerners finished everything: they fossilized Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zen, and all eastern religions and pushed them out of history, but they could not exhaust Islam, and its resources, and destroyed Muslims.

If we rally, we can rally all of humanity again - once again around the civilization of truth, justice and mercy.

There is only one way we can recover: To raise pioneer generations who can breathe for centuries by aligning our civilizational principles and dynamics, which are regenerative, rejuvenating, embracing, not exclusionary, that can make the alienating and colonial education system, the manipulative media regime and the corrupting, uncreative fake art duchy disappear spontaneously. … to sow the seeds of new dawn rains that take the example of the generation of Companions who know the world and their own civilization well, who do not have an inferiority complex, whose self-confidence and humility are in place, who have nobility and dignity.

I once said: The world expects us to emerge, as we are the truth… So sleep is forbidden to all of us…

#Modern History
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