The world will be a better place because of these pro-Gaza youths...

Today, the world needs to set aside all political, cultural, and social differences—be they language, religion, race, nationality, or gender—and unite around one common cause: Gaza.

The genocide in Gaza is the issue at hand.

The world’s only enemy today should be the supporters of the organized evil led by Israel and the USA. Our sole concern must be the killing of babies, children, young people, women, and the elderly in Gaza.

This concern is what makes us human.

"All I care about is Gaza," says famous American rapper Macklemore. At the beginning of his concert in Australia, before singing, he told the audience, "I've stopped following everyone else. I only follow those who report, talk about, and document the genocide in Gaza."

A similar movement has started in Europe, where compassionate and freedom-loving supporters of Palestine unfollow celebrities on social media who do not speak out in support of Palestine.

This effective protest against celebrities with rapidly declining follower counts has started to yield positive results.

The boycott of global companies that implicitly support the killing of children through their actions has gone global through social media.

Universities have expanded the front line after the boycott.

Commercial and political sanctions against the genocidal state of Israel have increased. Two days ago, Spain refused entry to a ship carrying 27 tons of explosives bound for Israel. The ship will lose time and be unable to refuel in Spain.

Spain’s Foreign Minister stated, "The Middle East needs more peace, not more weapons."

A Jewish employee appointed by President Joe Biden to the US Department of the Interior resigned, citing the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

These reactions will continue to grow in a chain effect.

In Europe and the US, governments have failed, but the people have succeeded.

There are even groups that have started hunger strikes for Gaza. These should be called Gaza’s warriors in the West.

Among those expanding the front against Zionists are not just the general public, but also famous actors, athletes, and the academic community.

They are organizing very effective actions.

Because they remain within the bounds of the law, their supporters are rapidly increasing.

It’s as if every young person killed in Gaza is reborn as several young people in the West. Today, young people from every nation are behind all the organized actions against the genocide.

A new 100-page report by the world’s most respected research centers not only identifies the genocide but also calls on all governments to avoid complicity and take action to stop it.

British surgeon Muhammad Tahir, who volunteered with a team of health workers from various countries led by the US-based non-profit FAJR Scientific, said from Gaza, “You might think you can't achieve much or stop what’s happening, but the collective impact is great. So, please do something to help the people of Gaza, no matter how small.”

“There is no small or big action,” he says.

Since October 7, the number of civilians killed in Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip has risen to 35,386, with 79,366 injured.

All those killed and injured were civilians, unarmed, young, babies, women, and elderly. Even today, there will be those who excuse themselves from boycotts and protests against the genocide by saying, "If Hamas hadn't attacked, Israel wouldn't be committing massacres in Gaza."

There is room for every living being in this world.

A world where the good and the bad can live according to their choices.

There will be Abels and Cains. There will be Moses and Pharaohs.

The youth of Gaza have become role models. Young activists around the world shouting "Freedom for Gaza!" have seen and shown the ugly faces of global companies, Israel, and the West that support or stay silent on the killing of children.

We are grateful that they are standing up and making a difference.

il y a 4 mois
The world will be a better place because of these pro-Gaza youths...
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