Fraternity of disbelief

Since Israel's genocidal attacks on Gaza began, we're witnessing a particularly alarming situation, especially on social media: Islamophobic Hindu fanatics are celebrating the deaths of Muslims killed in a frenzy while praising the Israeli army. The enthusiasm and joy expressed in countless posts are so overwhelming that one might think India is a directly involved Middle Eastern country in the Palestinian issue. They're deeply immersed in the event.

But that's not all. Last Friday, in a sermon at the Usuli Institute, Professor Dr. Khalid Abu al-Fadl shed light on an even more concerning aspect. He mentioned how volunteer Hindu militias join the Israeli army solely "to enjoy killing Muslims" and fight in Gaza. He stated: "Some of the worst massacres against Palestinians in Gaza are carried out by Indian soldiers serving in the Israeli army. Hindu nationalists openly support Israel's actions against Palestinians, emphasizing, 'Israel inspires us in ethnic cleansing. Because that's what we will do to Muslims in Kashmir.' India has already begun planning genocide against Muslims."

Confirming Professor Dr. Abu al-Fadl's statements, last week witnessed intensified physical assaults and harassment against Muslims in some Indian cities:

Firstly, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Ram Mandir Temple in the city of Ayodhya in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. This site was the location of the Babri Masjid demolished by Hindu attackers in 1992, resulting in the deaths of at least 2,000 people. Modi, through vigorous campaigns advocating for the construction of a Hindu temple in place of the Babri Masjid, managed to gain support from Islamophobic racists in India and subsequently rose to power. While famous artists, cinema actors, and writers attended the inauguration of the Ram Mandir Temple, Hindus gathered at the ceremony venue burned pictures of Babur Shah, the founder of the Mughal Empire, and shouted anti-Islam and anti-Muslim slogans, highlighting the enduring hostility towards Babur Shah, who passed away in 1530.

Simultaneously, in Muslim neighborhoods of Mumbai, formerly Bombay, shops, homes, and places of worship were attacked by Hindu militias. Numerous shops were rendered unusable, homes were violated, and attempts to set fire to mosques were made. Needless to say, Mumbai police stood idly by, whistling while looking away.

The groups attacking Muslims belong to the ultra-fascist form of Hindu nationalism known as "Hindutva." Supported by the Modi government, Hindutva commits crimes ranging from killing Muslims to burning mosques without hesitation. Due to the saffron-colored costumes worn by Hindutva members, their aggression is dubbed "saffron terror."

Over the past decade, relations between India and Israel have elevated to the level of "strategic partnership." Close proximity in colonial ideologies accompanied numerous agreements signed in various fields from intelligence to technology, education to culture. Israel's actions against Palestine have practically become a roadmap for the Indian government in dealing with its Muslim population. Both within India and in Kashmir, the Modi government is currently mimicking Netanyahu entirely. Drawing a comparison between Kashmir and "the Palestine of Asia" is not without reason.

I didn't write all this to depict the miserable state of Muslims. My main point is this:

The various manifestations of the unity of disbelief are emerging everywhere in the world. Clinging tightly to our history and geography, there's no option but to wake up, shake ourselves, and rebuild our mental map.

Let me conclude with a question I consider crucial: How many among us are familiar with Babur Shah, who is still the object of Hindu hatred today, and understand the significance he holds for the Indian subcontinent?

7 ay önce
Fraternity of disbelief
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