The unleashed storm, puppets, and puppeteer

Kopartılan fırtına, kuklalar ve kuklacı

To understand where the historical march in Galata received a response and what kind of message the 'civil line' formed at the entrance of the Bosphorus on the morning of January 1st conveyed, we should look at the storm that was trying to be unleashed.

It's been three months since the genocide in Gaza, and we are now within the 100th day. Even forming a sentence about it is a great disgrace for humanity. We don't know how long the madness that enslaves the whole world by Israel and the U.S. will continue, and what other atrocities we will witness. The lowest level that an individual, a community, a people, and a state can fall to is descending further each day. The definition in the Surah Al-Tin of the Quran, "We have certainly created man in the best of stature," is now Israel, America, and their partners.

Returning to the aftermath of the march in Galata in the midst of such a scene of brutality, trying to criminalize and target the hundreds of thousands who took to the squares for our martyrs and Gaza is also a political disgrace. We witnessed heavy insults, provocations, deliberately spoken lies, statements from authorities, and divisive plans focusing on separation in the past week.

What we experienced in the last week was by no means normal. We went through a process where Özgür Özel tried to impose his failure to become the leader of the CHP on Türkiye. If it weren't for that, they wouldn't have sent a member of parliament and a lawyer to the university student who got involved in the fist incident and printed his picture on a t-shirt. If it weren't for that, the CHP Youth Branch wouldn't have made a poster of that fist on social media. If it weren't for that, Özgür Özel wouldn't have said, "Having a rally after prayers on the morning of January 1st could be very risky. Bad things could have happened with those returning home after celebrating the new year."

While Türkiye prepares for local elections to determine the mayors of cities, it is not a good sign for the opposition to get stuck on the February 28th process. Apparently, difficult days are ahead after leaving Türkiye behind. Signs of the perception they want to create over the Istanbul elections began to emerge. Immediately after Murat Kurum was announced as a candidate, they started spreading rumors that Istanbul would be sold to Arabs. Türkiye is expecting a very different election process. Bahadır Erdem, the former GOOD Party member, pressed the button. Right after AK Party announced Murat Kurum, Erdem, who tweeted, "I will not allow AKP to win Istanbul and let all Sharia supporters invade the streets of my hometown," spoke. Sözcü, Cumhuriyet, and other CHP media also reported extensively. What does this mean? Discussions about the regime started after the historical march in Galata are wanted to be carried into the elections. Apparently, the new CHP is trying to create a political climate that will preserve the 51.78% vote Kılıçdaroğlu received in Istanbul on May 28. For this reason, the new CHP may plan an election campaign where beliefs and worldviews will be prominent in the Istanbul elections. Otherwise, wanting to confuse minds so much before the elections cannot be a coincidence.

Fortunately, their games are blatantly obvious. It is seen. The targeted people, who are their own makers, do not compromise on the tranquility of the nation. Despite the fist, the public shows the virtue to think about the state of the country. The most important thing is the masses that need to wake up, and have been used and abused during the process. President Erdoğan, in his speech at the candidate introduction meeting in Istanbul, made carefully chosen sentences, each word knowing its addressee. Erdoğan said, "In this process, the group being used is a group that is unaware of the society they live in and the values that keep that society standing. People belonging to this group are common characteristics of being so ignorant that they would mistake the Mertek for Elif if they saw it. They are citizens of our country. They have identity cards given by our state in their pockets, but they are as foreign to their own people as a tourist. These effect elements belonging to the group we call 'mankurt' inspired by Cengiz Aytmatov, are extremely suitable to be driven because they are ignorant and audacious." After a long time, the President made such a resentful and hitting speech.

Absolutely justified from head to toe. Really enough. How many times is this? Unfortunately, those who have surrendered Türkiye's energy, since 1960, to a system of non-political intervention that has turned into a system of intervention; cruel, fascist, prohibitive, coupist, and Islamophobic mentality is still there. However, the internal saboteurs, who are manipulated, do not seem to know what they aim for and how they push the country into an abyss. The painful thing is that those who are most disturbed by the historical march in Galata are helping Israel, the country with its own ambitions within Türkiye. They are aware of those they use as pawns, we do not know, but they are plain pawns. They are puppets. They are puppets for the same puppeteer who wants to use the same puppeteer and imprison Türkiye from within... This is very clear!

#Galata march
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