
Turkey's anti-terror struggle to continue with determination: Deputy PM

'Our law enforcement agencies are working around the clock in the most effective way. They are averting numerous terrorist activities. We never want our citizens live in fear in their everyday lives,' Numan Kurtulmuş says

Ersin Çelik
12:28 - 1/01/2017 Pazar
Update: 12:32 - 1/01/2017 Pazar
Yeni Şafak

Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş spoke on the terror attack killed 39 people and injured 69 -- four of them critically --at an Istanbul nightclub in the Ortaköy district of Istanbul early Sunday, saying, “For now, we cannot identify the organization behind the attack.”

“Someone might try to give a message through those terrorist organizations, however, Turkey will not hesitate in its struggle against terror, nor will it step back from the peace perspective it put forward for the region.”

'They are all heinous inhumane means'

“We will be like one fist with our nation in solidarity. Everyone should give up saying that terrorist organizations are good as long as they don't harm us. They are all heinous inhumane means through which someone achieves their ends, so stop supporting them. We need everyone to contribute to the process from a peaceful perspective.”

He also emphasized the importance of people's attitudes toward the attacks in the fight against terrorism:

“People being afraid and locking themselves in houses is exactly what terrorist want to achieve. We should not give them this pleasure. Our law enforcement agencies are working around the clock in the most effective way. They are averting numerous terrorist activities. We never want our citizens live in fear in their everyday lives."

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#Numan Kurtulmuş
#Istanbul attack
#nightclub attack
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