From where are the plans of the Crusader-Zionist alliance running?

10:283/10/2017, Salı
U: 3/10/2017, Salı
Tamer Korkmaz

In August 1992, Willam Safire wrote the following lines under the title "The Path to the Kurdish State" in The New York Times, which is defined as the flagship of Zionists in the American media: "The Kurdish military force in northern Iraq must be urgently reinforced... “Oil has vital importance for the survival of a Kurdish state here. The 36th parallel ban on Iraq should be extended to include the oil region... “Turkey should be presented the PKK’s head; in return, it must be requeste

In August 1992, Willam Safire wrote the following lines under the title "The Path to the Kurdish State" in The New York Times, which is defined as the flagship of Zionists in the American media:

"The Kurdish military force in northern Iraq must be urgently reinforced...

“Oil has vital importance for the survival of a Kurdish state here. The 36th parallel ban on Iraq should be extended to include the oil region...

“Turkey should be presented the PKK’s head; in return, it must be requested to recognize the Kurdish government to be established in northern Iraq... "

                                                                                    While Safire, one of the symbolic figures of the Jewish lobby, was writing these, then U.S. President George H. W. Bush said:

"We are determined to keep our country as the leader of the Jewish-Christian union" (Aug. 24, 1992)

                                                                                       After the First Gulf War, which was carried out by Bush, the north of the 36th parallel was forbidden to Saddam's Iraq "without any legal basis,” and a Kurdish region actually arose in northern Iraq. Operation Provide Comfort, which was established in the region at the end of the first half of 1991, secretly began delivering weapons to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorist organization.

                                                                                       In 1993, when Uğur Mumcu fell victim to a bombed assassination by the Gladio in Turkey, Eşref Bitlis was killed as a result of his helicopter crash and Turgut Özal lost his life through “poisoning;” what was talked about in a deep meeting behind the closed doors" in the İncirlik Base is almost unknown.

According to the information that Yüce Katırcıoğlu, author of the book "The Second Jewish State: Israel's Kurdish Geostrategy," received as a result of the deciphering of a Turkish officer in İncirlik and that he cited in a criminal proclamation text related to masons to the prosecutor’s office in 2015, the following developments happened at that meeting:

In a secret briefing to John Shalikashvili, then commander of NATO Europe (former U.S. Army Chief of General Staff) in the İncirlik Base, the American briefing officer said, "We have three effective groups for the establishment of a Kurdish state: These are Barzani and Talabani’s forces and the PKK. The task of the PKK is to keep Turkey involved in this process throughout the establishment process of Kurdish state!"

                                                                                        PKK leader Öcalan was handed over to Turkey seven years after William Safire wrote in the New York Times (Feb. 16, 1999).

Three days after Öcalan was "packed up" in Kenya and brought to Turkey, then Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit said that, "The deliverance over means a trade with the U.S.” But he did not say what was given or promised to the U.S. in this "trade."

                                                                                        "Turkey can grant autonomy to Kurds in exchange for candidate EU membership. This could be the main pillar for the politics that Brussels will follow with Ankara!"

This was what Jerusalem Post’s Amotz Asael wrote under the title of "Central Israel / Kurdish Herzl" 10 days after Öcalan was brought to Turkey (Feb. 26, 1999).

                                                                                         The packaging of the terror leader made Ecevit’s DSP the victorious party in elections two months later.

Ecevit, the Prime Minister of the DSP-MHP-ANAP coalition government established after the elections in April 1999, made the following statement to the press after a while:

"A contemporary state is being established in northern Iraq!"

About three years after his party remained under the election threshold, Ecevit told Sabah newspaper in an interview (April 13, 2005), "I still don’t know why they gave us Öcalan back then!"

These statements of Ecevit, who had vast political experience, are far from convincing, as they made us think that he was hiding some deep dialogues.

So, it is necessary to add "mason brotherhood" to Ecevit’s “closeness to Fetullah Gülen,” while Katırcıoğlu claimed that Ecevit was "a member of a masonic lodge in the U.K. many years ago.”

Ecevit was the guest of B'NAI B'RITH, the "roof organization" of all Jewish organizations in the world on Feb. 1, 2002, during the last months of his office as prime minister! It was TESEV’s founder, İshak Alaton, who introduced Gülen to B'NAI B'RITH managers years before he entered the masonic lodge in 1975.

Supported by the Gladio, CIA, U.S. and NATO, Gülen said, "If God gives me the opportunity to intercede on the day of judgement, I will use it for Ecevit first!"

                                                                                        The rejection of March 1, 2003 mandate, four years after Öcalan was delivered to Turkey, was a "milestone" in Ankara's elusion from Washington's yoke...

Since the critical period in which Turkey gained independence from the U.S., the U.S.-Israel tandem’s scenarios and plans to divide, and re-seize and colonize Turkey have always been in place. Various attempts for chaos, coups and attacks by the terror organizations they controlled have always failed.

They are now eyeing northern Syria and northern Iraq this time once again.  

#Middle East