This is a very dangerous game... What’s behind the Saudis’ ‘moderate Islam’ announcement?

10:1326/10/2017, Perşembe
U: 26/10/2017, Perşembe
İbrahim Karagül

After the Shiite-Sunni disintegration, the foundations of a new disintegration, division are being laid in our region. Saudi Arabia’s, “We are switching to moderate Islam” announcement contains a dangerous game. The U.S.-Israel axis is forming a new regional front line. We have been watching the strange developments in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Israel and the U.S. for some time now. There is a new situation in the region, which we know is against Iran, but has recen

After the Shiite-Sunni disintegration, the foundations of a new disintegration, division are being laid in our region. Saudi Arabia’s, “We are switching to moderate Islam” announcement contains a dangerous game. The U.S.-Israel axis is forming a new regional front line.

We have been watching the strange developments in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Israel and the U.S. for some time now. There is a new situation in the region, which we know is against Iran, but has recently taken an open anti-Turkey state, aimed at limiting Turkey’s influence in the region.

A strange alliance, a handicapped front

A strange alliance, a handicapped front is being formed. It is clearly obvious that this front is aimed at holding the Sunni Arab world on a single axis and, that is, dooming it to the U.S.-Israel axis. The Muslim-Arab region is being taken hostage through the UAE and Israel and the marketing aspect of it all is being carried out through Saudi Arabia.

The announcement that surprised the world was made the other day by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman: “We are to return to a more moderate Islam...” According to the crown prince, the 1979 Iranian revolution ruined the genetics of all countries. They adopted radical ideas to fight against the “threat” and supported those acts. It is now time to fix this, to be cleared of these ideas and implement the “Moderate Islam Project;” it is time for “normalization.”

There is only one thing the crown prince is right about and that is that the Iranian revolution is over. Hence, dangers such as regime export, revolution export no longer exist. The Iranian threat still exists for them, Tehran’s dreams to divide Saudi Arabia still exist. Since the revolution is over, the Saudis are building a new security shield, a nested front with the U.S. and Israel. Up to here, everything is normal.

Arab and non-Arab Muslim differentiation, confining Islam in the Arab world

But what comes after this is a great threat for all. It is a threat for the Muslim world, the entire region, for Turkey and Iran, for the Muslim countries in Asia. Because following the ethnic separation and clashes, the sectarian separation and clashes, a new separation and conflict front project that will rattle the entire region is being activated. Those who invested in the identity wars are now investing in the separation of Arab and non-Arab Muslims.

This is a bid to confine Islam into the Arab world.

You will see, the “moderate Islam” announcement will be immediately followed by a sudden and unexpected strengthening of Arab nationalism. This wave will not differentiate between Shiite or Sunni Arabs, but it will isolate the Muslim Arab world from the entire Muslim world. This separation will be felt most over the Shiite Arabs in Iraq. With this new block, Iraq and Iran are going to stage a new power showdown. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s future in power is also most likely going to take shape according to this showdown.

Project prepared entirely for Israel’s security

Because the issue is not limited to the “moderate Islam” announcement alone. It is not a situation that is limited to Saudi Arabia becoming “moderate,” the alleviation of radical Salafism, withdrawing its support from similar organizations and circles worldwide, denying its past, its liberation, its opening to the world.

There is a project being implemented by the hand of the U.S., Israel and the UAE. It has been designed in accordance with Israel’s regional security interests, and has been planned on prioritizing the threatening of every country that moves away from the U.S. axis. It is in relation to a new front line being established further south and further west in response to the U.S. losing the region spanning Turkey and the Chinese border.

Moderate Islam, American Islam; These no longer have any meaning

We are familiar with these terms. We have been discussing them for almost 35 years now. Moderate Islam, political Islam, fundamentalist Islam, American Islam and whichever term has been presented based on the West’s regional interests, we discussed them all. Every one of these was a security-axis project. During our long period of sleep, we believed them all. As our intelligentsia was unable to produce an anti-thesis, we had no choice but to take position based on their similar projects.

Their reign is now over. These discourses are over and have no meaning left in our region. No U.S. and Israel axis project has meaning anymore in Turkey or on any Arab street. We are in a period in which any state, regime or leader who depends on these will lose.

February 28 and FETÖ were such projects

The moderate Islam project was tried the most in Turkey. We always said this is “American Islam” and opposed it. The February 28 military intervention is the product of such a project. It was implemented by the U.S./Israel extreme right-wing and their partners on the inside. The Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) is the product of such a project and the Dec. 17/25 and July 15 attacks were made for this very reason. They were all aimed at trapping Turkey within the U.S./Israel axis.

But Turkey’s local and national resistance has overcome them all. Now they are burdening Saudi Arabia with the same mission. That how they are making it appear. I do not think that it is possible for Saudi Arabia to undertake such a mission. This is impossible both in terms of the regime’s character and its social structure. This is impossible because of the “Israel/U.S. sauce.”

This project is suicide for Saudi Arabia, it will destroy it

The discourse of making the switch to moderate Islam will cause serious confusion in the Saudi administration and grave social reactions. The actual conflict is going to take place within Saudi Arabia. Also, the Riyadh administration has no chance of exporting something to the region or setting an example.

Especially once it is further revealed that the project is security-based, that a new front line has been formed, that it is all planned by the U.S.-Israel, it will result in a fiasco. This project is suicide for Saudi Arabia, it is a destruction plan; it is a plan that will destroy it unless it comes to its senses.

They are pointing to Iran but targeting Turkey

The moderate Islam discourse does not interest us at all. Because we know that this is not the case. We can see that U.S./Israel front that is standing against Turkey is being built and that this is being done through Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

We can see that this is connected to the terror zone just south of Turkey, for which efforts are being made to expand from the Mediterranean to the Iranian border, that all of these powers support this zone, that they support the siege of Turkey. They want the second link of the close area siege to be formed further south. This is the UAE-Saudi Arabia-Israel-Egypt line.

Those who stand close to the US will be divided

Turkey will overcome all this. It will break the close environment siege and, after Idlib, it will somehow intervene in Afrin and the other areas. The Saudi-Israel-UAE line pointing to Iran but targeting Turkey, doing this in accordance with Israel’s priorities, will result in nothing other than causing great disorder between the Arab and Muslim worlds.

Yet it should be known that Turkey could not be protected from threats even when it was in the U.S.-NATO axis. Its only choice was to develop its own self-defense. All countries moving away from the U.S., from Turkey to Pakistan, are doing the same to protect themselves. In this time, the countries that are close to the U.S., to Israel are being downsized and divided.

This is the Israel shield: Moving the war to the heart of Islam

The Riyadh administration which has been placed in the UAE and Israel’s playground, may be left in a desperate situation against the division threats off these circles while waiting for the threat to come from Iran. This is a serious probability. Also, the new Arab Block project is going to be an Israel shield. This may lead to the great anger of the Arab street.

One other note: The distance this new axis will create with the non-Arab Muslim world is going to trigger new and very exhausting debates in the Muslim world. Like the state of Mecca and Medina. The day will come when we will witness these debates too. Because all the games are being shaped around these two locations. The final goal of defeating the Muslim world is Mecca and Medina.

What did they say: The war will settle in the heart of Islam.

#moderate Islam
#Middle East
#Saudi Arabia