Demographic shift in Türkiye...

The elderly population data has been released by TURKSTAT.

These data indicate an increase in the elderly population, defined as those aged 65 and over, in Türkiye.

According to the data released, while the elderly population was 7,186,204 in 2018, it reached 8,722,806 in 2023, increasing by 21.4% over the past five years.

As the number of elderly population increases, the proportion of the elderly population within the total population is also increasing. The proportion of the elderly population within the total population was 8.8% in 2018, whereas it rose to 10.2% in 2023.

According to scenarios conducted by TURKSTAT parallel to the population growth rate, it is expected that the proportion of the elderly population within the total population will be 12.9% in 2030, 16.3% in 2040, 22.6% in 2060, and 25.6% in 2080.


Türkiye's slowing population growth rate and the higher rate of increase in the elderly population compared to other age groups lead to an increase in the elderly population.

Furthermore, improvements in healthcare, treatment facilities, rising living standards, and changes in welfare levels have also brought about demographic transformation.

Although Türkiye still has a young population structure compared to many European countries with a high elderly population, exceeding 10% of the total population as the criterion for elderly population indicates significant aging of Türkiye's population.

Meanwhile, Türkiye ranking 67th among 184 countries with the highest elderly population ratio is good news.


Due to the increase in the elderly population, it becomes necessary to take certain measures both to ensure the participation of the elderly population in the workforce and in terms of social policies as they enter the period.

In countries with a high elderly population, the implementation of the silver economy approach requires providing more opportunities for elderly individuals to continue working, stay healthy, and continue to contribute to society.

In this context, providing opportunities for social security, healthcare, participation in social life, and employment for elderly individuals, and increasing their quality of life is crucial for active aging.

Therefore, it is important not to neglect the elderly when designing social policies. Perhaps placing the elderly population at the center of social policies is necessary.

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